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Book Reviews,Books,Green Living,Health Tips 24 Oct 5 COMMENTS

Eat Naked!

Eat Naked: Unprocessed, Unpolluted & Undressed Eating For A Healthier, Sexier You! Now doesn’t that sound appealing? Okay, before you get too excited…Eat Naked isn’t about dining in the buff, although that’s not a bad idea in Arizona, during the summer, when the temps rise above 105˚F. You could have…

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Appetizers & Dips,Healthy Snacks,New Developments,Product Review,Red Meat 9 May 0 COMMENTS

A review of Bacon’s Heir: Pork Clouds

Do love crunchy stuff? Are you looking for a zero carb high-protein snack or a gluten-free, grain-free breading for vegetables, chicken or fish? Sure, you can use blanched almond flour and/or coconut flour, arrowroot, or tapioca starch to bread foods before baking or for the occasional fried treat, but if…

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