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Book Reviews,Books,Eco Tips,Green Living,Health Tips,Money Saving Tips 24 Oct 3 COMMENTS

A Review of Rich Food, Poor Food

Rich Food, Poor Food: The Ultimate Grocery Purchasing System (GPS) by Jayson Calton, PhD., and Mira Calton, CN, contains so much vital information that today’s shoppers need to navigate their way through supermarkets and natural foods stores to find the most micronutrient-rich foods. This lightweight, compact, 290 page book 6…

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Appetizers & Dips,Healthy Snacks,New Developments,Product Review,Red Meat 9 May 0 COMMENTS

A review of Bacon’s Heir: Pork Clouds

Do love crunchy stuff? Are you looking for a zero carb high-protein snack or a gluten-free, grain-free breading for vegetables, chicken or fish? Sure, you can use blanched almond flour and/or coconut flour, arrowroot, or tapioca starch to bread foods before baking or for the occasional fried treat, but if…

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