Eat Naked!

Book Reviews,Books,Green Living,Health Tips

Eat Naked: Unprocessed, Unpolluted & Undressed Eating For A Healthier, Sexier You!

Now doesn’t that sound appealing? Okay, before you get too excited…Eat Naked isn’t about dining in the buff, although that’s not a bad idea in Arizona, during the summer, when the temps rise above 105˚F. You could have more fun, improve your health, get lean, and reduce your utility bill all at once! But I digress.

When Ms. Floyd says, “eat naked,” she’s not talking about your clothes. She’s talking about your food.

Ms. Floyd she wants you to strip away the over-processed and over-packaged, and over-dressed junk foods from your diet and eat naked foods in their original, pristine state (it makes sense but most of us didn’t learn that when we were growing up). She’s also talking about preparing foods in ways that enhance without masking their naturally delicious flavors. By doing this you’ll reduce your risk of many diseases and shed many of the health problems that plague our over-medicated population.

6a00e552ad01da88340168e74cbca6970c-320wiAre you ready to eat naked?
In her book, Eat Naked, Ms. Floyd shows you how to build your diet around foods that will make you look and feel great whether you have your clothes on or off. She’ll walk you through the hows and whys of it in. Floyd asserts that “Once you see how great you look and feel when you eat naked, you wont’ want to eat any other way.” I concur! Eating naked is a delicious, fun, and simple way of life that, if followed, will make you look and feel great naked or dressed. And who doesn’t want that?

Floyd, a Nutrition therapy practitioner, certified holistic health counselor, certified healing foods specialist, and certified member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, spent years sleuthing out what she needed to do to look and feel great. Her book, Eat Naked, walks you through what she learned and what her clients pay good money to learn when they work with her.

What’s it all about?
In the first half of the book, you’ll learn about the basics of Eating Naked from why to do it, to what to eat—from naked produce, naked meat, naked dairy and eggs to naked fish, and from naked fats, naked grains, beans, nuts and seeds, to naked beverages, sweeteners and condiments. You’ll learn how to transition to a naked diet and then (another really fun part) how to shop and cook naked (and you thought healthy eating wasn’t going to be any fun?!).

6a00e552ad01da88340167624ae892970b-320wiWhat I like
I like that the author advocates an omnivorous, whole foods diet (with health tips for those who choose to go vegetarian), that she includes information about healthy fats and oils, and that she doesn’t sugar-coat what you need to know about sweeteners. I also like that she’s well versed in the shopping criteria that I find so important for health.

Naked recipes
The second half of the book contains naked recipes, followed by a few pages on better then naked preparation techniques. The book closes with a few pages on when not to eat naked, a concept that might initially surprise you but will soon make sense. There’s a time and a place for everything, including eating naked. I won’t spoil that part for you. I will say that I’ve advocated something similar for years.

Is this book for you?
If you want to learn more about how to improve your diet, if you’re new to natural foods, whole foods, and unrefined foods, and you don’t want complicated formulas, you don’t want to count points, calories, protein, carb, or fat grams, and you want a sensible sustainable way of eating you can follow for life, this is a great book for you.

However, even if you’re already well versed in the benefits of eating naked foods, you might discover little things you can do to upgrade your current food choices as well as ways to more effectively convey what you know to others. If you’re a nutrition educator, health practitioner, or personal trainer, or other fitness professional, this could be a great resource to share with your clients. This would be great waiting-room reading for holistic health practitioners and life coaches.

More benefits
I like that Eat Naked has a small trim size (6×9 format) and a succinct format (192 pages). It contains short, easy to read chapters and plenty of practical tips as well as small collection of user-friendly recipes to get started with. (If you’re not ready for a big book, start here.)

My rating
I give Eat Naked two thumbs up! I think her publisher, New Harbinger Publications did a great job of helping Ms. Floyd get her message out to a hungry population of people who are mostly misled by media misinformation about diet. This is great book that will educate you, your family, curious friends, neighbors, or co-workers about the essentials of great nutrition in a lighthearted and fun way.


  • Stephanie KL
    October 26, 2024 at 01:47

    The title of the book is great and reveals how we should eat. Our bodies do not need all those chemical substances listed as ingredients on food labels. If you can’t pronounce them and haven’t a clue as to what they are or do, don’t consume them. Nature provided our food in neat packages and intended us to “Eat Naked.”

  • Chef Rachel
    October 26, 2024 at 02:16

    I am so pleased that your are interested in this book and that you are sharing w/others. I hope you will continue to follow my blog and share what you learn with others.

  • Sarah
    October 26, 2024 at 22:05

    This book would give me the information I’m looking for to make better decisions for not only myself and my family. There is alot of misleading information out there especially where the government is concerned.

  • Natasha Kay
    October 27, 2024 at 02:13

    I subscribed to your blog!

  • Elizabeth Smolinski
    October 28, 2024 at 19:43

    I am teaching my children how to cook for themselves when I am not home, so I want them to learn from the start how to prepare fresh, whole, delicious meals.

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