Steak was one of my favorite foods as a child and in my early teens. It was one of the most nutrient dense foods I ate. I still enjoy a good steak, only now I eat it with two to thee times as much vegetables as steak and often with…
Read MoreDo you love crunchy food? Are you looking for a low-carb, protein-rich, whole foods snack to fuel your active life? If you eat meat, I have the food for you. It’s called GrassfedBeef Crisps and its made from 100% grass fed, organic beef raised in Arizona and Montana. Imagine wispy…
Read MoreSpaghetti and meatballs can be made gluten-free with one of the delicious gluten-free pastas on the market. My students and I have enjoyed Tinkyada (brown rice pasta) and Andean Dream (quinoa & brown rice pasta. If you’re diabetic, have blood sugar issues, insulin resistance, cancer, an autoimmune disorder, or some…
Read MoreDo love crunchy stuff? Are you looking for a zero carb high-protein snack or a gluten-free, grain-free breading for vegetables, chicken or fish? Sure, you can use blanched almond flour and/or coconut flour, arrowroot, or tapioca starch to bread foods before baking or for the occasional fried treat, but if…
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